Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Did you know? Electronic Discovery Facts

Jason R. Baron and Ralph C. Losey collaborated to create a "Did You Know?" type of music video on electronic discovery law. This video presents some of the amazing facts behind the information explosion and rapid advances in technology:

In a 1986 study by Blair and Marion the percentage of relevant documents lawyers thoutgh they had found using Boolean Keyword searches was 75% - the percentage they actually found was 20%

98% of all information is created electronically, over 80% are never printed to paper, yet less than 30% of rule 26(f)meet and confer conferences discuss electronic information

It also explains some of the negative impacts this is having on the law. Lawyers around the world are unable to keep up with these changes. The biggest problem now is how to find relevant evidence when our writings are all just bits and bytes hidden in unimaginably large haystacks of irrelevant information The video ends with their speculations about the near and far futures of the law and technology.

see the excellant work of 2 E-Discovery Ninja's here here

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