Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving Thanks this Week and Beyond

So another Thanksgiving is upon us and here at the Wilson household we are celebrating with family and friends over 3 days from Richmond to Roanoke and ending up Saturday at the UVA vs Va Tech football game in Charlottesville. Enjoying friendship and fellowship, catching up with family, and reflecting on the shared joys of life are enough to make me lose sleep at night in anticipation of this weekend. I expect there will be some somber moments this weekend as well as we reflect on those friends and family who are no longer with us and try to draw strength remembering the love and joy and laughter we shared. "count your blessings"!

On December 3rd my oldest son Austin turns 14. I'm proud of him in many ways but I give special thanks and realized how lucky I am again this week - when he asked if i could facilitate his 3rd annual football game to raise money for the Central Virginia Foodbank
The concept is simple - 24 of his middle school friends gather to play football (mudball?) and instead of bringing presents for Austin - the bring donations in the form of $$ and canned goods to donate to the food bank. He started this when he was 11 and its become a tradition that I am profoundly proud of. His awareness and generosity will serve him well in the future.

Should you feel so inclined Austion would welcome your donation to food bank either with food or a monetary donation, or heck just send him a note enforcing his generosity and good will @

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